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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Increased Employment In America

The US has started the year with a positive trend in employment creation. In the past two and a half million jobs have been added to the country's job market. As a result, the unemployment rate declined from 5 percent to 7 percent.2015teo 2014ra job market has continued. The first month of the year has resulted in the employment of the United States of 57 million. Which is more than expected. Getting a job in the last 11 months on average, two million Americans. And the unemployment rate down to 6 percent as a symbol of the country's economy recovered.Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said Jason pharamyana, "maintained 015 014. However, in terms of job creation was the best year since 1999, with 014. "However, it is not just the rate of employment; Since the 1-cent per hour wage increase. Buying-cutting trend in the US has increased. As a result, the US economy this year is expected to maintain a positive trend.Fact and Opinion Economics chief economist Bob brusaka said, "If we look back, we see that in a year of economic growth and employment growth both quite dynamic. It goes without saying that the job market will strengthen. 'In October, after the closing of the incentive program is expected to raise interest rates in September, the Central Bank and the Federal Reserve. However, job creation, new information will be pressure to raise interest rates phedake mid-year, analysts think.

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